A class trip to the theater

How to communicate with children in the theater and about theater

Why go to the theater with your class?
What criteria to use when selecting a performance?
How to prepare children for visiting the theater?

Meeting live art, that is with live actors “here and now” is an exceptional experience for a class as a whole. The visit to the theater then becomes an impulse to expressing one’s opinions and feelings that can be shared by the children with each other. Through this (besides the relationship to cultural values) we also develop the ability to listen, understand, empathize, and communicate.

In the workshop, we will learn in an interactive way about different methods that will prepare a class for a theater performance visit, and about various approaches to its reflection. We will also discover what is good to know before we set out to the theater with children. Through a group visit of a performance we will search for situations that encourage participation of the spectators, and we will analyze how and why children react to them.


10:00 – 11:00 THEATER x EDUCATION
11:00 – 13:00 Methods of preparing primary school students for a theater outing
14:00 – 14:45 Theater for children and its specifics
15:00 – 16:00 A joint visit of a performance
16:00 – 18:00 Methods of reflection on a theater performance with basic school students

Please bring writing utensils and comfortable clothing (this is a hands-on workshop)

Instructor: Michaela Váňová

Age: Workshop is intended for teachers and students of pedagogical schools.
Capacity: 20 attendees (minimal number of attendees is 10)
Price: 14 attendees or less – 800 Kč/os;
15 attendees or more – 700 Kč/os
Reservations for schools at pokladna@minor.cz